Blue Print for Inner Healing!

Inner Healing Seminar with Workshops and Breakout Sessions!

Inner Healing is necessary to heal soul wounds, remove trauma and receive complete deliverance. We must learn about ourselves and how to deal with others in demonic bondage. Christian therapist, Ebony Miller, and Prophetic Deliverance Minister, Kathy DeGraw will lead you to and through healing! The unique aspect of this seminar is that you will receive healing during these two days with minimal inner healing to walk out afterwards. We will give you the blueprint on how to walk out the remainder of your healing. We have designed this event to help you heal during these two days and then release and teach that healing to others. Complete with interactive worksheets, group discussions, and freedom breakout sessions, this will be a seminar unparalleled to others. We are so excited for this live in-person (not virtual) seminar to be held Nov. 10 & 11, 2023 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Register Now for the early bird pricing of $75! Price increases to $99 on Oct. 2!

Course Curriculum

About this course

  • $75.00
  • 2 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Your Apostle & Instructor

Kathy DeGraw

Apostle Kathy DeGraw is the president and founder of Kathy DeGraw Ministries and K Advancement, LLC. She is a spiritual warfare expert, prophetic deliverance minister, author and conference speaker. She travels internationally, teaching people how to walk in their prophetic destiny, conquer spiritual warfare, release the ministry of deliverance, and become strong prayer warriors through the power of praying audibly with authority. Kathy’s show on CPN called, Prophetic Spiritual Warfare brings forth deliverance, activation and impartation. Kathy writes for Charisma Magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel and Prophecy Investigators. She is passionate about allowing the Holy Spirit to lead and flow prophetically. She desires to set the captives free and help people establish the ministry God has for them. Kathy co-leads Ruach Ha’Kodesh Apostolic Empowerment Center with her husband, Pastor Ron DeGraw.